Anatomically Correct Dolls

What is an anatomically correct doll? It is a doll which realistically mimics some of the sex characteristics of a human. 

What would happen if Barbie was brought to life? She might be terrifying. The anatomically correct dolls that exist are so realistic, some people find them too much and it becomes difficult for parents of young children with the toy in question nearby.

The idea behind an anatomically correct doll is a fairly simple one: they’re just like humans–they have genitals! However, this often leads to more than what many customers bargained for when purchasing their child’s favorite toy; sometimes these toys become unwanted distractions which create anxiety or tension within families living under the same roof (not always intentional). This has been found especially true among younger siblings who may not know any better.

Anatomical dolls can be used for a variety of purposes. Some are created to teach children about the human body and anatomy, while others are popular toys that kids love playing with! In general, these objects provide an accurate representation of what is inside us all from head-to-toe (or in some cases tail)!

Anatomically correct dolls have been used since 1891 by doctors who wanted parents’ first glimpse at baby’s anatomy be accurate instead of being left up solely to imagination or accident. With these types of educational tools becoming more common nowadays, we’re seeing less stigma around body parts like vaginas because of these dolls.

When it comes to understanding the differences between boys and girls, there are a lot of ways for children to learn. Anatomically correct dolls can help teach kids about their own bodies as well as how different people might look in relation to each other. These types of toys also give them an idea on what is socially acceptable when interacting with others that identify differently than they do- so not only does this toy get into science but also social interactions!

When toilet training, some parents use an anatomically correct doll to make the process easier.

When they train their children on how to go potty for the first time, many people will show them by using a regular old teddy bear as well as and anatomical-correct baby doll with all of its little parts intact (that’s why it is so important that you don’t give these dolls away).

These dolls are also helpful in teaching children about good touch and bad touch. These conversations can take place using this doll, an anatomically correct toy which allows them to see the difference between what is appropriate contact for adults or caregivers versus inappropriate touching by people they don’t know well. This way, kids will be able to tell when someone has crossed that line with them too!

And in some cases anatomically correct dolls are used in questioning of children who might of been sexually abused, they help to aid the children in relaying areas touched that are not on themselves to law enforcement and therapists. 

Additionally, in a still somewhat controversial practice,  some people are willing to go the extra mile for their love of dolls. Reborners who create vinyl or silicone baby dolls use anatomically correct doll parts as reborn babies are meant to be realistic with every detail accounted for.

What is a good age for anatomically correct dolls for children?

Whenever the parent’s feel comfortable with it I would say!

In preschool, children can identify if a person is male or female. They know that they are either born with the biological sex of boy or girl.

As early as three years old, kids have already learned to tell whether someone’s a man or woman from their voice and body shape so even though gender isn’t something you’re supposed to alter in adulthood there comes an age where your appearance might not be matching what people expect out of you which sometimes leads some confusion on other party’s part but also means that at least little ones are good at knowing who belongs into which category!

By age five children now understand boys and girls grow up to be moms and dads but they still don’t understand this cannot be changed. 

However, gender constancy – that is the understanding that being male or female is a fixed personal attribute – does not develop completely until around the age six or seven. 

It’s never too late to realize who you are.
We all start off as little kids, when we don’t know what our gender is yet; but then over time, and with the help of society around us telling us if it’s right or wrong for boys to like pink dresses and girls liking more rough-and-tumble playtime activities – gradually come to understand that being male or female is a fixed personal attribute. 

This process happens naturally in most people without any outside interference needed from parents or friends alike whose opinions might be better left unsaid at this delicate stage in life because they may just end up confusing your child about their true self through words alone rather than letting them discover themselves on their own terms by interacting with others and experiencing life.

Anatomically correct dolls for therapy?

 As a play therapy tool, the dolls may help stimulate a child who needs to begin to work through some of the issues associated with child sexual abuse.  There have been case studies of children who chose to play with the anatomical dolls when approaching issues surrounding this abuse which shows distinct advantages. 

Dolls in general are a non-threatening toy and children are familiar with them, they often use them spontaneously to act out feelings. Regular dolls are just as useful at a helping to understand a child’s feelings about familial relationships, coping strategies and perceptions of their environment.

Anatomical dolls, for the sexually abused child, allow for all of these uses in addition to the possibility of enactment of specific issues associated with sexuality. Although these issues can and often are acted out with regular dolls, the addition of genitals on the dolls invites more specific enactment.

Doll Recommendations for anatomically correct dolls.

Best Budget Option - Boy Anatomically Correct Dolls

If you’re trying to find an anatomically correct, full-vinyl baby doll child doll that captures the once-in-a-lifetime experience of bringing home a new infant, then this Mini La Newborn is the perfect doll for you! Made in Spain for kids ages 2 or older, this La Baby doll is little enough to be handled easily by even the smallest hands. Dolls are dressed in Knit outfits that are quickly removable.

Every function of the La Baby was hand-designed in Spain by Designer Berenguer, an acclaimed group of doll specialists. The result of their artistic work is a doll with finely-detailed features, like crinkly and adorable toes, life-like eyes, and realistic expressions that encourage nurturing.

The doll is 9.5″ long and weighs less than 1lb.  Because of its long-lasting and quickly washable vinyl body, you can keep it excellent as new for numerous years or more. To make the doll brand new again, all it takes is a simple area wash with warm water and moderate soap. The body is odorless and the only moving parts are the jointed shoulders, hips, and neck. These turning body parts enable you to quickly add and get rid of the doll’s clothing for cleaning and dress-up fun.

The La Newborn is produced  by JC Toys, a world leader in doll production. JC Toys is a family run and ran company with origins dating back to 1982 in south-east Spain – one of the leading major toy-making and design centers worldwide.

Best Reborn Version Girl Anatomically Correct Dolls

Artist: Michelle Fagan
Size: 19″ Head to Toe
Doll Weight: 2.6 pounds
Material: GentleTouch ™ vinyl
Weighted Cloth Body for a “Real Infant” Feel
3/4 Vinyl Arms and 3/4 Vinyl Legs
Eye Color – Brown Hair Color – Dark Brown
Handset eyes, hand-painted details, and hand-applied eyelashes
The ensemble consists of– 1 One-piece outfit, 1 Giraffe appliqued coat, 1 hat, 1 Booty, 1 bib, 1 child burpie, 1 pacifier, and 1 bottle
Conforms to the safety requirements of ASTM F963 for ages 3+.

Distinguished artist Michelle Fagan has actually created the little bundle of joy “Tall Dreams Ensemble” with the sensible functions of a real-life baby doll, from her delicate face, innocent and sweet brown eyes filled with love, down to her small toes and feet.

Artfully jointed to snuggle she is undoubtedly the most popular baby doll from Paradise Galleries, everyone wants to be a mother to her, both new and experienced collectors!

This realistic infant doll is adoringly equipped in a 10-piece ensemble that’s filled with huge fun, consisting of a jersey knit pastel pink floral print onesie, coat, hat, bib, blanket, bottle, pacifier, booties, and the cutest giraffe luxurious buddy!

Best African American Anatomically Correct Doll

If you’re looking for an anatomically correct, full-vinyl child doll that records the unbelievable experience of bringing home a brand-new infant, then this La Newborn is the perfect doll for you! African American La Baby from JC Toys is a remarkably lifelike looking doll that will make you feel like you are taking care of your own genuine child. 

La Newborn Boutique is made in Spain, also by Berenguer,  they are 14 inches in length and almost 2 pounds. This baby is recommended for children ages two and older. This La Newborn comes dressed in a reusable cloth diaper, with a realistic hospital ID bracelet, hospital belly button gauze, and it’s own birth certificate.

Want to know more about Reborn Baby Dolls?